
Oskolsky plant of metallurgical machinery (OZMM) is one of the largest and youngest industrial plants of Belgorod region which is dynamically developing. It was founded in 1979 in Stary Oskol. Nowadays OZMM is one of the largest suppliers of spare parts for mining, processing, crushing and grinding for national and international companies..

There are more than thousand types of products which are manufactured by the plant. Special equipment allows producing any kind of operation with metal - steel smelting, complex machining.

OZMM has its own production facilities and highly qualified personnel to solve difficult technical problems and upgrade the production technology.


Oskolsky plant of metallurgical machinery leads a flexible production policy. It gives the opportunity to fulfill any requirements of the customer such as manufacturing of non-standard equipment according to customer's drawings, etc.

OZMM is already known as a reliable supplier and today the quantity of its partners include almost all large metallurgical plants in Russia and some European countries.


1979 – Foundation of the plant

Oskolsky plant of metallurgical machinery (OZMM) was founded in 1979 in Stary Oskol, Belgorod region. Nowadays OZMM is one of the largest suppliers of spare parts for mining, processing, crushing and grinding equipment.

1982 - First steel melting

In October 1982 the first steel melting was made. OZMM went down in history as the first producer of electric steel in Belgorod region. 

2011 – Complete upgrading of Forging and metal structures shop

In 2011 the plant upgraded the forging and metal structures shop and bought modern Czech forging complex of ZDAS with a press capacity of 2500 tons and five thermal furnaces with automatic control of metal heating modes produced by Bosio (Slovenia). It allowed to increase and double forging production capacity.

2015 – Recertification audit

In December 2015 the plant successfully passed the recertification audit and confirmed the compliance of the quality management system with the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001: 2008.


Налажено производство станков и кормушек для свиноводческих комплексов.

2017 - Масштабная трансформация производства

Модернизация продолжается: приобретены новые печи, формовочная машина, смеситель, пневматическая линия подачи формовочного песка. Участок шихто - подготовки оборудован новыми современными сушилами, позволяющие снизить потребления газа в два раза. Современные станки появились и в механосборочном цехе.

2018 - Время перемен

На предприятии реализован уникальный для Черноземья проект мини - котельных для каждого цеха.Продолжается модернизация участка подготовки шихты и формовочных материалов литейного цеха.В результате его модернизации были увеличены производственные мощности, налажен выпуск импортозамещающих видов мельничных футеровок, броней, зубчатых венцов для мельниц. Огромная работа проделана по модернизации всего энергетического сегмента завода. В сентябре 2018 г. на заводе был успешно проведен очередной сертификационный аудит системы менеджмента качества на соответствие требованиям международного стандарта ISO 9001:2015